This is the whole of Riverfest, and as you can see it pales in comparison size-wise to the large late summer festivals of Detroit. It is a big deal here, though. I think all of Clarksville turned out to visit. We ran into our friends within 10 minutes of being here.

Ummmm....Yeah. The Bass Pro Shop (the same one that had the gun-toting child display) was here hosting a catfishing competition. Yes, those are giant catfish in that bucket. They were keeping the fish in a giant portable tank. Kinda weird if you ask me, but it's all part of the local culture.
Here we are standing by the river at Riverfest. It was a nice, breezy day.

Look! The baby got it's first presents sent from Grandma Bozyk! She sent us a cuddle blanket, receiving blankets, socks, onesies, and an ear thermometer (leave it to a nurse.) It's very exciting to imagine those little socks being full of little feet!

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