I finally got a new cord for my digital camera, so I am now able to begin posting new photos again. As many of you know, my mom was in town this last week. We had a great time. We went to Opryland, the big mall in Nashville, registered at Babies R Us, visited the zoo, a haunted house, and downtown Clarksville where we frequented antique shops, the museum, and saw a play at the theatre. My mom was happy to enjoy two restaurants she hasn't seen in years; Jack in the Box and Captain D's. Another perk of my mom being around? She actually could take a belly shot of me, instead of me trying to do it myself and chopping off my head. So here it is, a long awaited photo of that VERY quickly growing little baby.

may be shoving it out a teensy weensy bit, but for the most part, that is what I look like now. I am 15 weeks pregnant, that's almost 4 months folks! In other pregnancy news, after lunch the other day, I felt what I could best describe as a poke from the inside. Was it gas? Possibly. A muscle spasm? It could have been. But maybe, just maybe, it was a little being, saying, "Mom, lay off the dang saurkraut already, will ya?!?
And finally, I'd like to post a few photos from our trip to the apple orchard, with the Dexters, in September before Dave deployed. Enjoy!

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