He squirted some warm jelly on my belly, and I looked at my moniter above me, and saw the baby's head. In that moment, my overfilled bladder completely left my mind. I was entirely amazed by that squirming, wiggling person on the screen! The tech pointed out the baby's various parts, such as the brain, kidneys, spine, bladder, etc.
Then it was time to see the GOOD parts. He zoomed in, under the but, and VOILA, nothing there. I knew I was seeing nothing, but he confirmed it by saying "It's a girl." He then informed me he'd known this during the entire ultrasound. He got in even closer, and we saw the three lines that form very definate girl parts.
After taking some profile photos of her doing things like sucking her thumb, and kicking her feet up above her head, the tech turned off the machine, and my need to pee became sudden, and instant. I dashed to the bathroom (which was mercifully close to the ultrasound room), and after I was done, I was handed a disc with the very precious first pictures of my baby.
I sat down in my car, pictures of my very own little princess clutched in my hand, and allowed what had happened to really sink in. I was having a baby girl. Not just a baby girl, but a daughter. Someone who was going to be my little shadow, and Daddy's little girl. Someone who might grow up to be ballerina, or marine biologist, or maybe even a mommy herself.
What did I do to be so lucky to have my own daughter? I then cried my eyes out with complete joy.
So anyway, that's the story. But I know what you really want is photos, so here they are!
This is a great shot of her face. I like to think she was feeling very vogue.

Here she is crossing her feet. What a little lady!

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