Friday, June 20, 2008

Life with Rosie

Hello everyone! I haven't posted much in the last few months, because as many of you know, life with a newborn can be a bit hectic. This is especially true when you are essentially raising the little one on your own.

For the first month and a half of her life, I feared that Rosie had colic. She cried, A LOT. I was struggling to nurse exclusively, and at one point developed a large fissure on my breast. I had to fight off the hospital about giving her formula a number of times, and at her 2 week appointment she was still slightly under her birth weight. After six weeks or so, both Rosie and I got much better at nursing. Now I can literally do it in my sleep. (And so can she!)

Well, her two month appointment rolled around, and she had gained 4 lbs! She is still slightly under the 50th percentile for weight, but she is also slightly under the 50th for height, so she is very proportioned.

This last month Rosie stopped her constant crying, and became much more social. She started to coo "agoo, agaa." She hardly cries now, and usually lets me know what she wants by complaining with her newly discovered voice instead. She also moved into her crib from her bassinet. And on June 21st, she was propping herself up on her tummy, and suddenly tipped over, and rolled onto her back! Later in the day I was tickling her, and she gave me her very first little giggle. So as you can see, she is doing just great!

Here are some photos of her:

Here she is horsing around in her Led Zepplin Shirt.

She is sleeping in her crib. Look at those hands!

There's that goofy grin.

Look what I can do!

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