Ummmm....Yeah. The Bass Pro Shop (the same one that had the gun-toting child display) was here hosting a catfishing competition. Yes, those are giant catfish in that bucket. They were keeping the fish in a giant portable tank. Kinda weird if you ask me, but it's all part of the local culture.
Here we are standing by the river at Riverfest. It was a nice, breezy day.
Look! The baby got it's first presents sent from Grandma Bozyk! She sent us a cuddle blanket, receiving blankets, socks, onesies, and an ear thermometer (leave it to a nurse.) It's very exciting to imagine those little socks being full of little feet!
Hmmm...I think this place might be pretty famous. I don't know though, it has to do with country music. And we all know how I feel about country music.
We also have a picture of a pretty man sitting by a pretty garden near the Grand Ole Opry.Like Great Lakes Crossing, the Opryland Mall has one of those huge hunting and fishing stores with real waterfalls and live fish. I don't recall any displays of children playing with guns in the Michigan store, though.
We were nervous, excited, scared, thrilled, a million emotions all mixed into one. We decided we just tell our mothers and sis for now. But then my mom begged,"please,please let me tell Aunt Mary." I said alright, but the next thing I know, Jerry is calling me up, "mom says you have something to tell me and she can't tell me!" So I realized this little secret just would not keep.
I called the Dr. (I had already had a well visit scheduled) to find out what to do. I was told by the nurse in the general clinic, "well I'm going to cancel this appointment because you won't be needing it. I am going to transfer you to the OBGYN clinic. Congratulations." The OBGYN clinic told me that I was about 4 weeks along, with my due date being around April 12. At my first appointment they will give me an orientation, and set up my appointment to hear the heartbeat. (The the thought of a little heart beating inside me made me cry happily.)